Friday, February 4, 2011


frustration [frʌˈstreɪʃən]
1. the condition of being frustrated
2. something that frustrates
3. (Psychology) Psychol
a.  the prevention or hindering of a potentially satisfying activity
b.  the emotional reaction to such prevention that may involve aggression
Whilst I don't feel any agression, I do feel frustrated at the moment.  Our local council has rejected our plan for the new shed.  Frustrated - that's because they had previously verbally agreed to it, but have since had a change of management (sounds too familiar to my work).
I'm struggling to find a bright side to this at the moment, which is unlike me really.  But of course there are far worse things that could happen.
He he - it all works out in the long run doesn't it.  Back to the drawing board :)

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